What is WellMob?

WellMob brings together online resources made by and for our mob. Here you will find websites, apps, podcasts, videos, social media, and online counselling all with a focus on social and emotional wellbeing.

Who is WellMob for?

WellMob is for all of our frontline health and wellbeing workers, including:

  • community health and wellbeing workers
  • mental health workers
  • family support
  • education and youth services.

Workers can feel confident to share any online wellbeing resources they find with their clients and customers. There are also training resources to support your work in the community, and resources to help you look after yourselves.

WellMob is for our mob! It is a safe online place for our communities to access all kinds of digital wellbeing resources.

Why create WellMob?

The inspiration for the website came from our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers and our communities. They wanted one place to find online wellbeing resources that are culturally relevant.

Who developed WellMob?

WellMob was developed by eMHPrac (e-mental health in practice) in collaboration with the Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet. Its development would not be possible without the insights and encouragement of our hard-working Aboriginal and Torres Strait health and wellbeing workforce.

In particular, we acknowledge the guidance of our website development reference groups in Larrakia (Darwin, NT), Kaurna (Adelaide, SA) and Bundjalung (Lismore, NSW) country. Through the dedication of these people, we bring WellMob to our communities as another health promotion tool in their dilly bag of wellbeing.

We also acknowledge the WellMob Steering Committee that has overseen the development of this website. With representatives from Queensland University of Technology, Menzies School of Health Research (NT & SA), University of Sydney, and the Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet, their expertise have been invaluable. A special thank you to our Chairperson, Samantha Wild, from Awakening Cultural Ways, for her guidance throughout this process.

The website was made possible with funding by the Australian Government Department of Health.

Recognising those who have created the resources

We pay tribute to all our deadly mob who have developed the resources that have been pulled together on this website. We have referenced all resources to those who have created them and provided links to the original source of resources where possible.

Terms used for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

Many resources found on WellMob use different terms for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Where known, we use the cultural name of nation, language or clan group to which the resource belongs.

Other terms used include ‘Aboriginal’, ‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander,’ ‘Indigenous’ and ‘First Nations’ to describe our people. While these terms may be interchangeable, we acknowledge the unique cultures within our various Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

This website may contain images, voices and names of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have passed.
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